Woodswallow, Black-faced
Artamus cinereus

Common – Sedentary-Nomadic(?). Smoky grey; black face mask from lores to upper throat. Black rump. Short white tail tip. Light grey breast grading darker to black under tail. Underwing silvery. Race dealbatus: mid grey, white under tail, broad white tail tip. Race normani: small mask, white undertail coverts, white tail tip. Size: 18cm. Juvenile: Bill pale, dark tip. Black lores. Brown body, buff streak, mottles. Pale throat. Wings grey; narrow buff-white tips. Immature: Warmer brown above; buff wash below. Voice: ‘chep, chep’; chattering. Habitat: Open forest, plains, farmland.
Simpson & Day 7th Ed.
Classifications: | Bird, forest and grassland |
Family: | Artamidae |
Information sources: | Photo taken at Eungella by Marlis Schoeb |