Krefft’s Glider
Petaurus kreffti
Recently split from Sugar Glider
Found on western side of the Great Dividing Range from SA to SE Qld and coastally from SEQ to Cape York
wet and dry sclerophyll forest and woodland. Also frequently in rainforest.
Nocturnal, arboreal and can glide up to 90m. Constructs a leaf nest in hollows.
Eats arboreal arthropods, nectar, pollen and manna.
Sugar Glider occupies coastal forests from SE Qld to Victoria – does not occur in central to northern coastal Qld
Classifications: | Mammal |
Family: | Petauridae (Wrist-winged Gliders, Strped Possum & Leadbeater's Possum) |
Information sources: | Photo taken at Strathdickie by Graham Armstrong |