Oystercatcher, Australian Pied
Haematopus longirostris
Common – Resident, nomadic. In flight, boldly patterned. White of lower back ‘square’ across. Black with white half wing-stripe, rump, belly vent. Bright red eye, eye-ring and bill. Pink legs. Size:42-50c,. Juvenile: Duller bill, tipped black. Eyes brown. Upperparts edged brown. Grey legs. Voice: Loud ‘pleep pleep’ in flight; rapid ‘pee-pee-pee-pee’. Habitat: Coastal; prefers sandy beaches, tidal flats and estuaries.
Simpson & Day 7th Ed.
Classifications: | Bird, water and shoreline |
Family: | Haematopodidae |
Information sources: | Photo 1 taken at Seaforth by Marlis Schoeb |