Black Noddy
Anous minutus

Distribution – mostly off north-east and east coasts od Qlld, also of coast of northern WA and NSW.
Habitat – wooded tropical and subtropical islands and surroundiung seas. Feeds mainly on fish, squid and crustaceans.
Widespread in tropical and warm tropical waters of Pacific and Atlantic oceans. In eastern Queensland nests in colonies on wooded barrier reef islands off the coast. Forages in flocks at sea, often congregating over surfacing shoals of fish; feeds by hovering above the surface before dipping to pick up prey, sometimes shallow plunges but not diving like typical terns. Sometimes settles on water.
My Tern – a pocket guide to the terns of Australia, Birdlife Australia + The Australian Bird Guide, Peter Menkhorst et al
Classifications: | Bird, water and shoreline |
Family: | Laridae (Gulls, Terns & Skimmers) |
Information sources: | Photo taken at Finlayson Point by Marlis Schoeb |