Caribbean stylo
Stylosanthes hamata, Fam. Fabaceae
Annual or perennial sub-shrubs or herbs. Short-lived perennial to 1m tall, with spreading or erect stems that are covered down one side with white hairs.
Weed Category: |
Other invasive plants Invasive plants that are not prohibited or restricted invasive plants, but are known to spread readily and cause negative impacts, within the region.
Weed: | Yes |
Form or habit: | Herb, Shrub |
Family: | Fabaceae |
Leaf: | Compound Alternate Alternate, pinnate with 3 ovate to elliptic leaflets, broadest about the middle and tapering into a pointed apex; variously hairy. Stipules with finely pointed tip and prominent veins present. |
Flower conspicuous: | Inconspicuous |
Flower colour: |
Yellow |
Flower description: | Small yellow pea-flowers, borne in dense terminal heads, almost concealed in overlapping bracts except when open. |
Fruit conspicuous: | Inconspicuous |
Fruit colour: |
Brown |
Fruit: | Dry |
Fruit description: | Brown, pods up to 7mm long plus 2-4mm curved beak, flattened with 1 or 2 joints, breaking into one or two, 1-seeded segments at maturity. Densely hairy and prominently veined, with 1-2 yellow seeds, about 2 x 1.5mm. Seeds almost rectangular with one pointed corner. |
Habitat: | |
Distribution | |
Food source for: | |
Toxicity: | No toxicity known |
Origin: | Native of Caribbean region |
Notes: | Spread by: animals, water and contaminated soil. Invades/threats: open forest, disturbed and waste land along roadsides. Notes: stylos were introduced as valuable pasture species but are now widely naturalised, especially in disturbed areas. Several species are prevalent in this region. Environmental weed. |
Information sources: | Mackay Regional Pest Management Group (2018) Weeds of the Mackay Whitsunday Region Second Edition. |