Buddleja madagascariensis, Fam. Buddlejaceae
Straggling shrub to 6m, young plants and branchlets covered in white short matted hairs, older stems covered in rust or yellow hairs. Robust root system.
Weed Category: |
Other invasive plants Invasive plants that are not prohibited or restricted invasive plants, but are known to spread readily and cause negative impacts, within the region.
Weed: | Yes |
Form or habit: | Shrub, Small tree |
Family: | Buddlejaceae |
Leaf: | Simple Opposite Opposite, simple, ovate-oblong, 70-150 x 20-50mm, apex tapers to a point, base rounded or heart-shaped, dark green and hairless above, dense white or yellow hairs below, stalk 15-25mm, margins entire. |
Flower conspicuous: | Conspicuous |
Flower colour: |
Yellow, Orange, Salmon |
Flower description: | Yellow, orange or salmon flowers in sprays up to 250mm long. |
Fruit conspicuous: | Unknown |
Fruit colour: | |
Fruit: | |
Fruit description: | Plants cultivated in Australia are sterile, no fruit or seeds have been found. |
Habitat: | |
Distribution | |
Food source for: | |
Toxicity: | |
Origin: | Madagascar |
Notes: | Spread by: broken stem fragments, garden waste. Invades/threats: riverine communities, readily climbs over established plants, high into the canopy. Notes: garden escapee, persists in old gardens. Very large infestation present on Cattle Creek near Gargett. Environmental weed. |
Information sources: | Mackay Regional Pest Management Group (2018) Weeds of the Mackay Whitsunday Region Second Edition. |